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As a near-death survivor and physician, I've gained profound insights into resilience, purpose, and embracing life's adventures. Whether you're facing challenges or seeking inspiration, I invite you to reach out. Perhaps we can have an enriching dialogue that uplifts your own path forward.

I'm eager to connect with you personally.


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Michael J Hesion

"Even though I am a physician, a scientist, I have a deep faith. I said every prayer I could remember, especially to Saint Jude, the Patron Saint of hopeless causes, whom I was taught about as a child. I recited the Rosary over and over. The saying, “There are no atheists in foxholes,” is attributed to the U.S. military chaplain, William Thomas Cummings, during a field sermon at the Battle of Bataan in 1942. From personal experience as a patient and as a physician, I would add that there are no atheists in ICUs. The need to pray was primal, and I did so every waking moment.”
—Michael J. Hession

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